Mes projets


Stock Market predictions

In this project, we will download historical S&P 500 index data from Yahoo Finance, performs some preliminary exploratory data analysis and manipulations, and then we will apply a Random Forest…

EELS data analysis

In this project, we will show some workflows that are useful for EELS data analysis. We will cover multiple topics such as background removal, Hartree-Slater cross section function, low loss…

Neural Amp Modeler

Development of new tools for the Neural Amp Modeler developed by Steven Adkinson. Neural Amp Modeler is an open-source project that uses deep learning to create models of guitar amplifiers…

Image related project

Analyzis of satellite data using Neural Networks Under construction…

HRSTEM images characterization

In this project, we have used multiple Python libraries to do a full analysis of High Resolution Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope (HRSTEM) images of LSMO/STO Perovskites. In this particular project,…


Analysis of the socio-cultural influence on the voting result of a referendum Introduction Analysis of the socio-cultural influence on the voting result of a referendum. In this project, we were…


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Adrian Chmielewski – PhD

Data Scientist, Materials scientist, and «everything related to AI » enthusiast. After being introduced to electron microscopy and spectroscopy during an internship at CIME (EPFL) in Prof. C. Hebert group, I pursued a master degree in Materials science/quantum devices. I obtained my PhD in Physics in 2018 during which I studied surface thermodynamics and reactivity of nanoalloys by environmental TEM at the University Paris Cité. Between 2019 and 2022, I was a part of the GAME-MURI project funded by Air Force Office of Scientific Research as an electron microscopy expert for the study of the crystal and electronic properties of β-Ga2O3 heterostructures at Penn State University.

Over the past 10 years, I have also acquired extensive experience in Python-based tools development for the analysis and processing of scientific data. In addition, I have completed a 9-month training program in Data Science to further enhance my skills in AI. My diverse educational background and practical experience enable me to bring a unique perspective to any IA project and tackle complex problems with innovative solutions.